Sylvie Conciergerie

Talk about your hotel

Use this text to share information about your hotel with your guests. Describe your rooms, share special offers, or share your latest news.

Who am I?

Sylvie has 20 years' experience in the hotel business and 5 years in concierge services. I've always had a taste for tidiness, organization and cleanliness, a desire to please and an interest in people. It was only natural that I should turn to the hotel business, which requires a dedicated soul and a willingness to serve customers.

I've been a freelance concierge for 5 years now, and I'm even more fulfilled because I give a different meaning to what I do. I'm your eyes, your hands, your ears in your absence, I manage your home, and look after its upkeep and surveillance while you're away. I love responsibility, and seeing my customers smile every time they find me is priceless!

Do you own a house in my area? See you soon at home perhaps ..

Charming, exceptional house

Discover more about accommodation

Magnificent apartment with view and terrace

Discover more about accommodation

Exceptional house Canyelles petites

Discover more about accommodation

Keep your home clean! It's possible with Sylvie conciergerie to help you!

Spend time on what matters to you, I'll take care of your home! Entrust me with your keys for year-round rental management, I'll post your ads and handle the administrative side! You don't have to worry about concierge services anymore!

Remote management

Give me your keys and I'll keep in touch with you about your home, wherever you are!

Quality plus

With over 20 years' experience in the hotel industry, and 5 years in concierge services, I'm committed to providing you with the highest quality service.


An urgent need? A special request? I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Image with text

A picture is worth a thousand words. Use this space to focus on the thing which make you great.

Logo list

Sylvie Conciergerie

Carrer de la Pujada del Puig-Rom 164, casa 21

Rosas, 17480, Spain

[email protected]


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